Euralex Bibliography

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The Euralex Bibliography

This is the Euralex International Bibliography of Lexicography for lexicographers, by lexicographers, coordinated by Anne Dykstra, and maintained until 2016. It was originally published at, and is reproduced here by courtesy of the author.

Alphabetical Bibliography


  • Abad Nebot, Francisco (1997) Cuestiones de lexicología y lexicografía (Cuadernos de la UNED 165). Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (3rd edn 2001).
  • Abbi, Anvita (2003) A Manual of Linguistic Fieldwork and Indian Language Structures (LINCOM Handbooks in Linguistics 17). Muenchen: LINCOM Europa.
  • Abel, Andrea / Ralli, Natascia (2007): 'Bedeutungs- bzw. Begriffserklärungen in der modernen Lexikographie und Terminographie'. In: Di Meola, Claudio/Gaeta, Livio et al. (Hrsgg.): Perspektiven Zwei. Akten der Zweiten Tagung Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in Italien (Rom, 9.-11.02.2006). Rom. 235-249.
  • Abel, Andrea (2006): 'Elektronische Wörterbücher: Neue Wege und Tendenzen.' In: San Vincente, Felix (Hrsg.): Akten der Tagung „Lessicografia bilin: metodi, strumenti e approcci attuali“ (Forlì, 17.-18.11.2005). 35-56.
  • Abel, Andrea / Weber, Vanessa (2005): 'ELDIT - Electronic Learner's Dictionary of German and Italian: Semibilingual, Bilingualised or a Totally New Type?.' In: Gottlieb, Henrik / Mogensen, Jens Erik / Zettersten, Arne (Hrsgg.): Symposium on Lexicography XI. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Lexicography. May 2-4, 2002 at the University of Copenhagen. Tübingen (= Lexicographica: Series Maior 115). 73-84.
  • Abel, Andrea / Gamper, Johann / Knapp, Judith / Weber, Vanessa (2003): 'Describing Verb Valency in an Electronic Learner’s Dictionary: Linguistic and Technical Implications'. In: Lassner, David / Mcnaught, Carmel (eds.): Proceedings of Ed-Media 2003 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, June 23-28, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Norfolk (USA). 1202 – 1209.
  • Abel, Andrea (2002): 'Ein neuer Ansatz der Valenzbeschreibung in einem elektronischen Lern(er)wörterbuch Deutsch-Italienisch (ELDIT).' In: Dolezal, Fredric F.M./Rey, Alain et al. (Hrsgg.): Lexicographica. International Annual for Lexicography 18/2002. Tübingen. 147 – 167.
  • Abel, Andrea / Weber, Vanessa (2000): ELDIT – A Prototype of an Innovative Dictionary. In: HEID, Ulrich, EVERT, Stefan et al. (eds.): EURALEX Proceedings. Stuttgart. Vol. II, 807-818.
  • Academic Committee of the Lexicographical Society of China ed. (2000) Zhongguo cishu lunji 1999 (Chinese Lexicographical Studies. Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Conference of LSC, Nanjing 1999). Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House (32 papers by 38 authors).
  • Academic Committee of the Lexicographical Society of China ed. (1999) Zhongguo cishu lunji 1997 (Chinese Lexicographical Studies. Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference of LSC, Wuxi 1997). Beijing: The Commercial Press (26 papers by 27 authors)
  • Accademia della Crusca, 1612 - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, Venezia - I Edizione (1 volume)
  • Accademia della Crusca, 1623 - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, Venezia - II Edizione (1 volume)
  • Accademia della Crusca, 1691 - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, Firenze - III Edizione (3 volumi)
  • Accademia della Crusca, 1729-1738 - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, Firenze - IV Edizione (6 volumi)
  • Accademia della Crusca, 1786 - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, Venezia - (1 volume)
  • Accademia della Crusca, 1804-1806 - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, Verona - a cura di Antonio Cesari (4 volumi/7 tomi)
  • Accademia della Crusca, 1863-1923 - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, Firenze - V Edizione (11 volumi)
  • Adams, J.N. 'The Latin Sexual Vocabulary'. London: Duckworth. (1982)
  • Adams, Michael ed. (2002) The Middle English Dictionary and Historical Lexicography (thematic volume of Dictionaries 23 2002). Madison WI: DSNA (Introduction and 11 papers by 11 authors).
  • Adamska-Sałaciak, Arleta (2006) Meaning and the Bilingual Dictionary. The Case of English and Polish (Polish Studies in English Language and Literature 18) Frankfurt: P. Lang.
  • Ágel, Vilmos et al. eds. (2002) Das Wort. Seine strukturelle und kulturelle Dimension. Festschrift für Oskar Reichmann zum 65. Geburtstag. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (Introduction and 18 papers by 20 authors, 3 on lexicographic topics).
  • Agirre, E. and Edmonds, P. eds. (2006) Word Sense Disambiguation. Algorithms and Applications. Dordrecht: Springer (… papers by … authors).
  • Ahumada Lara, Ignacio ed. (2002) Diccionarios y lenguas de especialidad. V Seminario de Lexicografía Hispánica, Jaén 2001. Jaén: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Jaén (… papers by … authors).
  • Ahumada Lara, Ignacio ed. (2000) Cinco siglos de lexicografía del español. IV Seminario de Lexicografía Hispánica, Jaén 1999, Jaén: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Jaén (… papers by … authors).
  • Ahumada, Ignacio (1989) Aspectos de lexicografía teórica. Aplicaciones al Diccionario de la Real Academia Española (Estudios de Lengua Española 1). Granada: Universidad de Granada.
  • Aijmer, Karin and Altenberg, Bengt eds. (1991) English Corpus Linguistics. Studies in Honour of Jan Svartvik. London: Longman (Introduction and 19 papers by 26 authors).
  • Aitchison, Jean (1987/2003) Words in the Mind. An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Oxford: B. Blackwell (3rd edn 2003).
  • Al, Bernard P.F. and Spa, Jaap eds. (1983) Le dictionnaire: Actes du Colloque Franco-Néerlandais, 28-29 avril 1981, Maison Descartes, Amsterdam (Lexique 2). Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille (12 papers by 13 authors).
  • Al-Ajmi, Hashan (2001), The Role of the Introductory Matter in Bilingual Dictionaries of English and Arabic, 'LEXIKOS' '11'(AFRILEX-reeks/series 11: 2001).
  • Al-Ajmi, Hashan (2002), Which microstructural features of bilingual dictionaries affect users’ look-up performance?, 'International Journal of Lexicography', 15, 2.
  • Al-Ajmi, Hashan (2004), A New English-Arabic Parallel Text Corpus for Lexicographic Applications, 'LEXIKOS 14'(AFRILEX-reeks/series 14: 2004).
  • Al-Ajmi, Hashan and Al-Otaibi, Abdullah (2006), The Treatment of Terms Relating to Islam and the Arab World in English Dictionaries,'LEXIKOS 16' (AFRILEX-reeks/series 16: 2006).
  • Al-Ajmi, Hashan (2008), The effectiveness of EFL dictionary examples in decoding: the case of Kuwaiti learners of English,'LEXIKOS 16' (AFRILEX-reeks/series 18: 2008).
  • Al-Kasimi, Ali M. (1977) 'Linguistics and Bilingual Dictionaries'. Leiden: Brill.
  • Alegría, I.; Arregi, X.; Artola, X.; Astiz, M.; Ruiz Miyares, L. (2006): 'A Dictionary Content Management System' en 'Proceedings XII EURALEX International Congress', Volumen I, pp. 105-109, Turin, Italia.
  • Alegría, I.; Arregi, X.; Artola, X.; Astiz, M.; Ruiz Miyares, L. (2006): 'Building an electronic version of the Cuban Basic School Dictionary' en 'Proceedings XII EURALEX International Congress', Volumen I, pp. 243-250, Turin, Italia. (
  • Alegría, I.; Arregi, X.; Artola, X.; Astiz, M.; Ruiz Miyares, L. (2006): 'Different issues in the design and development of the electronic Cuban Basic School Dictionary' en 'Linguistics in the Twenty First Century', edited by Eloína Miyares Bermúdez and Leonel Ruiz Miyares. Cambridge Scholars Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, in cooperation with Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, pp. 273-288.
  • Algeo, John (1988) 'British and American Grammatical Differences' in: International Journal of Lexicography Vol. 1:1-31
  • Algeo, John ed. (1995) 'Neology Forum' (thematic volume of Dictionaries 16 1995). Cleveland OH: DSNA (Preface and 10 papers by 12 authors).
  • Alharbi, Lafi and Al-Ajmi, Hashan (2008),' ''Greet' 'with the Same or Render a Better Greeting': Some Translational Discourse of Gulf-Arabic
  • Greetings. 'Iranian Journal of Language Studies, '2,1, pp'.'115-146.
  • Allen, Harold B. (1977), ‘Reactions in Johnson’s 'Dictionary' to some of Shakespeare’s vocabulary’ in Hobar, Donald (ed.) 'Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America 1977.' Terre Haute, Indiana: Indiana State University, 1-8.
  • Allén, Sture et al. eds. (2001) Gäller stam, suffix och ord. Festskrift till Martin Gellerstam den 15 oktober 2001 (Meijerbergs Arkiv för svensk ordforskning 219). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Meijerbergs institut för svensk etymologisk forskning (36 papers by 38 authors, 8 on lexicographic topics).
  • Almind, Richard (2005): “Designing Internet Dictionaries”. In: 'Hermes' 34: 37-54.
  • Alston, R.C. comp. 'A Bibliography of the English Language from the Invention of Printing to the Year 1800' (10 volumes, especially relevant ii, iii, iv and x). Ilkley: Janus Press. (1974)
  • Altenberg, Bengt and Granger, Sylviane eds. (2002) 'Lexis in Contrast: Corpus-based Approaches.' Amsterdam: J. Benjamins (… papers by … authors).
  • Alvar Ezquerra, 'Manuel Lexicología y lexicografía: Guía bibliográfica'. Salamanca: Edicions Almar. (1983)
  • Alvar Ezquerra, Manuel ed. (1992) 'EURALEX '90 Proceedings' (EURALEX4 Congress, Benalmádena 1990). Barcelona: Biblograf/VOX (44 papers by 57 authors).
  • Alvar Ezquerra, Manuel (1993) 'Lexicografía descriptiva'. Barcelona: Biblograf.
  • Alvar Ezquerra, Manuel ed. (1996) 'Estudios de historia de la lexicografía del español'. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga (10 papers by 10 authors).
  • Alvar Ezquerra, Manuel (2002) 'De antiguos y nuevos diccionarios del español'. Madrid: Arco-Libros.
  • Alvar Ezquerra, Manuel (2003) 'La enseñanza del léxico y el uso del diccionario'. Madrid: Arco/Libros.
  • Alvar Ezquerra, Manuel and Corpas Pastor, Gloria eds. (1998) 'Diccionarios, frases, palabras' (Estudios y ensayos 26). Málaga: Universidad de Málaga (… papers by … authors).
  • Alvarez de la Granja, M. and González Seoane, E.X. eds. (2003) A estandardización do léxico. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, Instituto da Lingua Galega (… papers by … authors).
  • Álvarez de Miranda, Pedro and Polo, José eds. (2002) Lengua y diccionarios. Estudios ofrecidos a Manuel Seco. Madrid: Arco Libros (… papers by … authors).
  • Amato, Antonio et al. (1988) Lessicografi e lessicografia. Rassegna storica, filologica e critica del panorama inglese e americano, dalle origini al secolo XIX (Linguistica applicata e glottodidattica N.S. 14). Roma: Bulzoni.
  • Anderman, Gunilla and Rogers, Margaret eds. (1999) Word, Text, Translation: Liber Amicorum for Peter Newmark. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (Introduction, interview and 20 papers by 21 authors, 2 on lexicographic topics).
  • Andersen, Birger (2007): “Dictionary Grammars”. In: 'Hermes - Journal of Language and Communication Studies' 38: 119-136.
  • Andersen, Birger/Almind, Richard (2011): "The Technical Realization of Three Monofunctional Phrasal Verb Dictionaries." In: P. A. Fuertes-Olivera/H. Bergenholtz (eds.): 'e-Lexicography. The Internet, Digital Initiatives and Lexicography'. London/New York: Continuum: 208-229.
  • Andersen, Birger/Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A. (2009): "The Application of function Theory to the Classification of English Monolingual Business Dictionaries". In: 'Lexicographica' 25: 213-240.
  • Andersen, Birger/Leroyer, Patrick (2008): “The Dilemma of Grammatical Data in Travel Dictionaries”. In 'Lexikos' 18: 27-45.
  • Andersen, Birger/Nielsen, Sandro (2009): “Ten Key Issues in Lexicography for the Future”. In: H. Bergenholtz/S. Nielsen/S. Tarp (Eds.): 'Lexicography at a Crossroads. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias today, Lexicographical Tools tomorrow'. Bern etc.: Peter Lang: 355-365.
  • Anon. eds. (1973) Tavola rotonda sui grandi lessici storici (First International Round Table Conference on Historical Lexicography, Florence 1971). Firenze: Accademia della Crusca (16 papers by 16 authors).
  • Anon. ed. (1993) Making Sense of Words (Ninth Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary and Text Research, Oxford 1993). Oxford: University Press (… papers by … authors).
  • Anon. 'International Who’s Who in Translation and Terminology'. Nottingham: Praetorius. (1995)
  • Anon. 'World Dictionaries in Print 1983. A Guide to General and Subject Dictionaries in World Languages'. New York & London: R.R. Bowker. (1983)
  • Antia, Bassey E. (2000) Terminology and Language Planning: An Alternative Framework of Practice and Discourse (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 2). Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
  • Antoine, Fabrice (1992) Dictionnaires unilingues anglais & français, bilingues anglais-français. Modes d'emploi. Paris: La Maison du Dictionnaire.
  • Antor, Heinz and Cope, Kevin L. eds. (1999) Intercultural Encounters: Studies in English Literatures. Essays Presented to Rüdiger Ahrens on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. Heidelberg: Winter (… papers by … authors).
  • Apresjan, Juri (2000) Systematic Lexicography (translated by Kevin Windle). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Århammar, N.R. (1990) Friesische Lexikographie. In: Hausmann, F.J., O. Reichmann, H.E. Wiegand & L. Zgusta (red.), 'Wörterbücher/Dictionaries/Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie/An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography/Encyclopédie internationale de lexicographie'. Zweiter Teilband/Second Volume/Tome Second. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. s. 2022-2036.
  • Århammar. N.R. (2003) Oer inkelde ûndersiikstaken op it mêd fan it Westerlauwersk Frysk. Yn: 'Philologia Frisica' anno 2002. Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy. s. 203-234.
  • Århammar, N. 2004 Etymologische und lautgeschichtliche Randbemerkungen zu Band 19 (2003) des 'Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal'. In: Us Wurk 53, 106-143.
  • Arnaud, Pierre J.L. and Béjoint, Henri eds. (1992) Vocabulary and Applied Linguistics. London: Macmillan (Introduction and 17 papers by 22 authors, 3 on lexicographic topics).
  • Arnold, Irina V. (1973) The English Word. Moscow: Vysshaja shkola.
  • Arntz, Reiner and Picht, Herbert (1989) Einführung in die Terminologiearbeit. Hildesheim: G. Olms.
  • Aronoff, Mark and Rees-Miller, Janie eds. 'The Handbook of Linguistics'. Oxford: Blackwell (32 chapters by 36 authors). (2001)
  • Asher, R.E. ed. 'The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics'. Oxford: Pergamon Press. (1994) (for 2nd edn see Brown, K. 2006).
  • Asociación Española de Estudios Lexicográficos (AELex)
  • Atkins, B.T. Sue and Zampolli, Antonio eds. (1994) Computational Approaches to the Lexicon. Oxford: University Press (Introduction and 15 papers by 24 authors).
  • Atkins, B.T. Sue ed. (1998) Using Dictionaries. Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators (Lexicographica. Series Maior 88). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (8 papers by 8 authors).
  • Atkins, B. T. Sue and Michael Rundell (2008) The Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography. Oxford University Press.
  • Atkinson, A. D. (1950), ‘Dr. Johnson and Science’, 'Notes and Quiries,' CXCV, 338-341.
  • Augst, Gerhard et al. eds. (1997) Rechtschreibwörterbücher im Test. Subjektive Einschätzungen, Benutzungserfolge und alternative Konzepte (Lexicographica. Series Maior 78). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (Preface, 13 chapters and recommendations by 6 authors).
  • Austin, Peter K. ed. (1983) Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 15: Australian Aboriginal Lexicography (Pacific Linguistics Series A No. 66). Canberra:
  • Australian National University (10 papers by 12 authors).
  • Austin, Peter ed. (1983) Australian Aboriginal Lexicography (Conference, Sydney 1982) (Papers in Australian Linguistics 15). Canberra: Pacific Linguistics Series A-66 (10 papers by 12 authors).
  • Australian National Placenames Survey
  • Averboukh, Konstantin Y. (2006) Obshchaja teorija termina (General Theory of the Term). Moscow: M. Izdatel’stvo MGOU.
  • Avila Martín, Maria del Carmen (2000) 'El diccionário en el aula:' 'Sobre los diccionarios escolares destinados a la enseñanza del español como lengua materna'. Granada: Editorial Universidade de Granada.
  • Ayala Castro, Marta C. ed. (2001) Diccionarios y enseñanza (Ensayos y documentos 45). Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá (… papers by … authors).


  • Baggioni, Daniel ed. (1993) Encyclopédies et dicionnaires français. Problèmes de norme(s) et de nomenclature. Actes de la 2ème table ronde de l’APRODELF, Association pour la promotion des études linguistiques francophones, Venelles, 12-13 juin 1992 (Langues et langage 3). Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence (… papers by … authors).
  • Bahns, Jens (1996) Kollokationen als lexikographisches Problem. Eine Analyse allgemeiner und spezieller Lerner-wörterbücher des Englischen (Lexicographica. Series Maior 74). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Baider, Fabienne H. (2007) ‘The Death of the Author, the Birth of the Lexicographer: How French Historical Dictionaries Construct History’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' 20:67-83.
  • Bailey, Richard W. (1991) Images of English: A Cultural History of the Language. Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan Press.
  • Bailey, Richard W. ed. (1987) Dictionaries of English. Prospects for the Record of Our Language (International Colloquium, Ann Arbor 1985). Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan Press (9 papers by 9 authors).
  • Bakema, Peter (1996) ‘Synonymie of de nachtmerrie van de lexicografie’ in: 'Trefwoord' 11, 1996, p. 29-41.
  • Baker, Mona (1998) 'Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies'. London/New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis (paperback 2nd edn 2001).
  • Baker, Mona et al. eds. (1993) Text and Technology: In Honour of John Sinclair. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins (Introduction and 17 papers by 17 authors, 2 on lexicographic topics).
  • Balode, Ineta (2002) Deutsch-lettische Lexikographie (Lexicographica. Series Maior 111). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Bammesberger, Alfred ed. (1985) Problems of Old English Lexicography (Symposium, Eichstätt 1984) (Eichstätt Monographs on Language and Literature 15). Regensburg: Pustet (21 papers by 25 authors, 13 on lexicographic topics).
  • Bammesberger, Alfred ed. (1985) Problems of Old English Lexicography. Studies in Memory of Angus Cameron (Eichstätt Monographs on Language and Literature 15). Regensburg: Pustet (19 papers by 25 authors, 13 on lexicographic topics).
  • BAO, Keyi (1981) Zenyang cha cidian (How to Consult Dictionaries). Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press.
  • Bardsley, Dianne (2006) ‘A Specialist Study in New Zealand English Lexis: The Rural Sector’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' 19: 41-72.
  • Barnbrook, Geoffrey (1996) Language and Computers. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Barnbrook, Geoffrey (2002) Defining Language. A Local Grammar of Definition Sentences (Studies in Corpus Linguistics 11). Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
  • Barnbrook, Geoff (2005) ‘Usage Notes in Johnson’s 'Dictionary'’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' 18:189-201.
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1969) “General Dictionaries.” In 'American Speech'. Journal of the American Dialect Society, 173-178
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1970) “Of Matters Lexicographical: Keeping a Record of New English, 1963-1972.” In 'American Speech'. Journal of the American Dialect Society, 98-107
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1974) “New Points of View on an Old Art.” In 'American Speech'. Journal of the American Dialect Society, 254-265 Review of 'New Aspects of Lexicography.'
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1978) "American Lexicography, 1945-1973." In 'American Speech'. Journal of the American Dialect Society, 83-140
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1979) "The Oxford English Dictionary." In 'American Speech'. Journal of the American Dialect Society, 45-52 Review of 'Caught In the Web of Words'.
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1982) “Report on the vocabulary of 1980.” In: 'The Barnhart Dictionary Companion'. Hyde Park, N.Y.: Lexik House, 1.4, 72-74
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1989) “Deep In 'Tele-'.” In: 'The Barnhart Dictionary Companion'. Hyde Park, N.Y.: Lexik House, 5.3-4, 181
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1992) “Bennett Cerf, Random House and the ACD.” In: 'The Barnhart Dictionary Companion'. Hyde Park, N.Y.: Lexik House, 6.4, 199-200.
  • Barnhart, Clarence L. (1993) "Barnhart Dictionary of New English Since 1963." In: 'The Barnhart Dictionary Companion.' Hyde Park, N.Y.: Lexik House, 8.4, 161
  • Barnhart, David K. (1985) "Prizes and Pitfalls of Computerized Searching For New Words For Dictionaries.” In 'Dictionaries'. Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 253-260
  • Barnhart, David K. (1991) 'Neo-Words.' New York: Macmillan.
  • Barnhart, David K. (1995) “Clarence L. Barnhart and Quotations for New Words in American Dictionaries.” In 'Dictionaries.' Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 65-78
  • Barnhart, David K. (1997) "Dialect Labels in Thorndike-Barnhart Dictionaries.” In 'Dictionaries.' Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 138-15
  • Barnhart, David K. (2000) "Reflections in Lexicography." In 'American Speech.' Journal of the American Dialect Society. 370-372
  • Barnhart, David K. (2007) 'A Calculus for New Words', in: n 'Dictionaries.' Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 132-138.
  • Barnhart, Robert K. (1989) "Dating in Etymology." In 'Dictionaries.' Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 53-63
  • Barnhart, Robert K. (1995) "Some Thoughts about Neologisms before Starting BDNE IV." In 'Dictionaries.' Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 51-64
  • Barnhart, Robert K. (1996) "Aftermath [[../../../../../../../to+%3Ci%3EThe+Century+Dictionary%3C/i%3E|to ]][[../../../../../../../to+%3Ci%3EThe+Century+Dictionary%3C/i%3E|'The Century Dictionary']]." In 'Dictionaries.' Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 116-125
  • Barret, Grant 2006 'Sexuality: The essential Glossary'. 2004. Edited by Jo Eadie. London: Arnold (distributed by Oxford University Press). In 'Dictionaries'. Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America. 186-187. (review)
  • Bartholomew, Doris A. and Schoenhals, Louise C. (1983) Bilingual Dictionaries for Indigenous Languages. México: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
  • Barz, Irmhild and Schröder, Marianne eds. (1996) Das Lernerwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache in der Diskussion. Heidelberg: C. Winter (Introduction and 13 papers by 16 authors).
  • Baskakov, N.A. et al. eds. (1968) Voprosy frazeologii i sostavlenija frazeologicheskikh slovarej (Problems of Phraseology. Conference, Baku 1964). Baku: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Azerbajdzhanskoj SSSR. (24 papers by … authors).
  • Bate, W.J. (1978) Samuel Johnson. London: Chatto & Windus.
  • Bate, W. Jackson. Samuel Johnson. New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.
  • Battaner, Paz and DeCesaris, Janet eds. (2004) De Lexicografia: Actes del I Symposium Internacional de Lexicografia, Barcelona 2002 (foundation of AEELex). Barcelona: IULA (Introduction, 6 plenary lectures and 49 papers by 102 authors).
  • Battenburg, John D. (1991) English Monolingual Learners' Dictionaries. A User-oriented Study (Lexicographica. Series Maior 39). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Bauer, Laurie (1998) Vocabulary (Language Workbooks). London: Routledge.
  • Bauer, Laurie and Franzen, Christine eds. (1993) Of Pavlova, Poetry and Paradigms. Essays in Honour of Harry Orsman. Wellington: Victoria University Press (28 papers by 28 authors, 4 on lexicographic topics).
  • Baugh, A.C. and Cable, T. (2002) A History of the English Language (5th edn). London: Routledge.
  • Baunebjerg Hansen, Gitte (1990) Artikelstruktur im zweisprachigen Wörterbuch. Überlegungen zur Darbietung von Übersetzungsäquivalenten im Wörterbuchartikel (Lexicographica. Series Maior 35). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Béjoint, Henri (1994/2000) Tradition and Innovation in Modern English Dictionaries (Oxford Studies in Lexicography and Lexicology 1) (2nd edn entitled Modern Lexicography. An Introduction). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Béjoint, Henri and Thoiron, Philippe eds. (1996) Les dictionnaires bilingues (Champs linguistiques). Louvain: Aupelf-Uref/Duculot (12 chapters by 13 authors).
  • Beni, Paolo (1612) L’Anticrusca, overo il paragone dell’Italiana lingua. Padova: B. Martini (reprint ed. G. Casagrande. Firenze: Accademia della Crusca 1982, 1983).
  • Benson, Morton, Benson, Evelyn & Ilson, Robert (1986) Lexicographic Description of English (Studies in Language Companion Series 14). Amsterdam: J. Benjamins (6 chapters by 3 authors).
  • Benson, Morton et al. (1990) Using the BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English. A Workbook with Exercises. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
  • Benson, Phil (2001) Ethnocentrism and the English Dictionary (Routledge Studies in the History of Linguistics 3). London: Routledge.
  • Berg, Donna L. (1993) A Guide to the Oxford English Dictionary (The Essential Companion and User’s Guide). Oxford: University Press.
  • Bergenholtz, Henning (1995): "Vom wissenschaftligen Wörterbuch zum Lernerwörterbuch". In: H. Bergenholtz/J. Mugdan (eds.): 'Lexikographie und Grammatik. Akten des Essener Kolloquiums zur Grammatik im Wörterbuch 28-30.6.1984'. Tübingen: Niemeyer: 225-256.
  • Bergenholtz, Henning (1989) “Probleme der Selektion im allgemeinen einsprachigen Wörterbuch.” In F.J. Hausmann/O. Reichmann/H.E. Wiegand/L. Zgusta (eds), 'Wörterbücher. Dictionaries. Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie'. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter: 772-778.
  • Bergenholtz, Henning (1991): "Lemmaselsktion in zweisprachigen Wörterbüchern". In: G. Meder/A. Dörner (eds.): 'Worte, Wörter, Wörterbücher. Lexikographische Beiträge im Essener linguistischen Kolloquium'. Tübingen: Niemeyer: 49-65.
  • Bergenholtz, Henning (1994) “Zehn Thesen zur Fachlexikographie.” In B. Schaeder/H. Bergenholtz (eds), 'Fachlexikographie.' 'Fachwissen und seine Repräsentation in Wörterbüchern'. Tübingen: Gunter Narr: 43-56.
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  • Bogaards, Paul (2006) Produire en L2 au moyen d’un dictionnaire bilingue, in : Th. Szende (ed.), Le français dans les dictionnaires bilingues, Paris: Honoré Champion, 23 – 34.
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  • Corréard, Marie-Hélène ed. (2002) Lexicography and Natural Language Processing. A Festschrift in Honour of B.T. Sue Atkins. Grenoble: EURALEX (12 papers by 13 authors, all on lexicographic topics).
  • Corris, Miriam, Christopher Manning, Susan Poetsch, and Jane Simpson (2004) ‘How Useful and Usable are Dictionaries for Speakers of Australian Indigenous Languages?’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' Vol. 17:33-68.
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  • Cowie, Anthony P. ed. (1981) Lexicography and Its Pedagogic Applications (thematic issue of Applied Linguistics Vol. 2, No. 3). Oxford: University Press (7 papers by 7 authors).
  • Cowie, Anthony P. ed. (1987) The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1-3 April 1985 (Lexicographica. Series Maior 17). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (18 papers by 28 authors).
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  • Delasalle, Simone and Rey, Alain eds. (1979) Dictionnaire, sémantique, et culture (thematic issue of Langue Française 43). Paris: Larousse (5 papers by 7 authors).
  • DeMaria, Robert (1986) Johnson’s Dictionary and the Language of Learning. Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina Press.
  • Denning, Keith and Leben, William R. (1995) English Vocabulary Elements. New York NY: Oxford University Press.
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  • De Schaetzen, Caroline ed. (2004) Terminologie et société (for Ad Hermans). Paris: La Maison du Dictionnaire (9 papers by 9 authors).
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  • Hendrix, Melvin K. (1982) 'An International Bibliography of African Lexicons'. Metuchen NJ & London: Scarecrow Press.
  • Henne, Helmut  ed. (1979) Praxis der Lexikographie. Berichte aus der Werkstatt (2nd Lexicographic Colloquium, Hamburg 1978, follow-up to 1st  held at Göttingen 1975; for 3rd, at Mannheim, see Mentrup 1982) (Reihe Germanistische Linguistik 22). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (7 papers by 9 authors, plus preface and discussion).
  • Henne, Helmut et al. eds. (1978) Interdisziplinäres Deutsches Wörterbuch in der Diskussion (Conference of IdS, Mannheim 1977) (Sprache der Gegenwart 45). Düsseldorf: Schwann (13 papers by 14 authors).
  • Herbst, Thomas and Klotz, Michael (2003) Lexikographie. Paderborn: Schöningh/UTB.
  • Herbst, Thomas and Popp, Kerstin eds. (1999) The Perfect Learners’ Dictionary(?) (Symposium, Erlangen 1997) (Lexicographica. Series Maior 95). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (23 papers by 24 authors).
  • Herbst, Thomas, Lorenz, Gunter, Mittmann, Brigitta and Schnell, Martin eds. (2004) Lexikografie, ihre Basis- und Nachbarwissenschaften. (Englische) Wörterbücher zwischen ‘common sense’ und angewandter Theorie (Colloquium, Augsburg 2002) (Lexicographica Series Maior 118). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (Preface and 13 papers by 14 authors).
  • Hercus, Luise, Flavia Hodges and Jane Simpson (eds) (2002) 'THE LAND IS A MAP: Placenames of Indigenous origin in Australia.' Panadus Books / Pacific Linguistics.
  • Hermans, Ad ed. (1997) Les dictionnaires spécialisés et l’Analyse de la Valeur (Colloquium at ILMH, Bruxelles 1995) (Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 87). Leuven: Peeters (17 papers by 20 authors).
  • Hernández, Humberto (1989) Los diccionarios de orientación escolar (Lexicographica. Series Maior 28). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Hernández, Humberto ed. (1994) Aspectos de Lexicografía Contemporánea (Seminar at University of La Laguna, Tenerife, 1990). Barcelona: Vox Biblograf (8 papers by 6 authors).
  • Hess, Klaus et al. (1983) Maschinenlesbare deutsche Wörterbücher: Dokumentation, Vergleich, Integration (Sprache und Information 6). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (… chapters by 3 authors).
  • Heuberger, Reinhard (2000) Monolingual Dictionaries for Foreign Learners of English: A Constructive Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art Reference Works in Book Form and on CD-ROM (Austrian Studies in English 87). Vienna: Braumüller.
  • Hill, George Birkbeck (ed.) (1897), 'Johnsonian Miscellanies' (2 vols.)'.' Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Hobar, Donald ed. (1982) Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America 1977 (1st DSNA Meeting, Terre Haute 1977). Terre Haute IN: Indiana State University/DSNA (8 papers by 8 authors).
  • Hock, Hans H. ed. (1997) Historical, Indo-European, and Lexicographical Studies. A Festschrift for Ladislav Zgusta on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 90). Berlin & New York: Mouton-De Gruyter (… papers by … authors).
  • Hockey, Susan (1980) A Guide to Computer Applications in the Humanities. London: Duckworth.
  • Hoekstra, Eric (2007) 'Betsjuttingsaspekten fan it foarheaksel 'ûnt-' yn it Frysk en 'ont-' yn it Nederlânsk', in 'It Beaken'. 69, nr 1/2, pp. 1-12.
  • Hoffmann, Lothar et al. eds. (1998-99) 'Fachsprachen/Languages for Special Purposes. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Fachsprachenforschung und Terminologiewissenschaft' (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Volumes 14.1, 14.2). Berlin: W. de Gruyter Berlin: W. de Gruyter (2 volumes; 46 articles by 48 authors on lexicographic topics).
  • Höfler, Manfred et al. eds. (1979) Festschrift Kurt Baldinger zum 60. Geburtstag (2 volumes). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (… papers by … authors).
  • Hoinkes, U. ed. (1995) Panorama der lexikalischen Semantik. Thematische Festschrift aus Anlaß des 60. Geburtstags von Horst Geckeler. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (… papers by … authors).
  • Hollós, Zita (2004) Lernerlexikographie: syntagmatisch. Konzeption für ein deutsch-ungarisches Lernerwörterbuch (Lexicographica. Series Maior 116). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Holmes, Richard.  Dr. Johnson and Mr. Savage.  New York: Pantheon, 1993.
  • Holmes, Urban T. and Scholberg, Kenneth R. eds. (1964) essays Presented to Honor Alexander Herman Schutz. French and Provençal Lexicography. Columbus OH: Ohio State University Press (… papers by … authors).
  • Hoof, see Van Hoof
  • Hornberger, Nancy H. and Corson, David eds. (1997) 'Research Methods in Language and Education' (Vol. 8 of 'Encyclopedia of Language and Education'). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
  • Householder, Fred W. and Saporta, Sol eds. (1962) Problems in Lexicography (Conference, Bloomington 1960). Bloomington IN: Indiana University Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies (21 papers by 24 authors).
  • Howard-Hill, T.H. (1979) Literary Concordances: A Guide to the Preparation of Manual and Computer Concordances. Oxford: Pergamon.
  • Howarth, Peter A. (1996) Phraseology in English Academic Writing. Some Implications for Language Learning and Dictionary Making (Lexicographica. Series Maior 75). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • HUANG, Hongsen (1994) Baikequanshu bianzuan qiusuo (Exploring the Compilation of Encyclopedias). Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House.
  • HUANG, Jianhua (1987/2001) Cidian lun (On Dictionaries). Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House.
  • HUANG, Jianhua (2000) Cidianxue yanjiu (Selected Papers on Lexicography by HUANG Jianhua) (Collections of Works by Ph.D. Supervisors at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Vol. 2). Guangzhou: World Publishing Corporation.
  • HUANG, Jianhua  and CHEN, Chuxiang (1997) Shuangyu cidianxue daolun (An Introduction to Bilingual Lexicography). Beijing: The Commercial Press.
  • HUANG, Jianhua and CHEN, Chuxiang eds. (1998) Shuangyu cidianxue zhuanji (Bilingual Lexicographical Studies. Proceedings of the 2nd National LSC Symposium on Bilingual Lexicography, Xiamen 1996). Changdu: Sichuan Educational Press (53 papers by 57 authors).
  • HUANG, Jianhua and ZHANG Yihua eds. (2000) Shuangyu cidianlun zhuanji (Theory and Practice of Bilingual Lexicography. Proceedings of the 3rd National LSC Symposium on Bilingual Lexicography, Chongqing 1998). Beijing: Beijing Press (38 papers by 43 authors).
  • HUANG, Jianhua and ZHANG Yihua eds. (2001) Yazhou cishu lunji (Proceedings of the 1st ASIALEX Regional Symposium, Guangzhou 1999). Shanghai: Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe (36 papers and 5 abstracts by 45 authors).
  • HUANG, Jianhua et al. (1992) Ying, e, de, fa, xi, ri yuwen cidian yanjiu (Studies on the Dictionaries of Six Languages: English, Russian, German, French, Spanish and Japanese). Beijing: The Commercial Press.
  • Hulbert, James R. (1955/68) Dictionaries: British and American. London: A. Deutsch.
  • Hüllen, Werner (1999) English Dictionaries 800-1700. The Topical Tradition. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Hüllen, Werner (2002) Collected Papers on the History of Linguistic Ideas (20 articles ed. by Michael M. Isermann) (The Henry Sweet Society Studies in the History of Linguistics 8). Münster: Nodus/K. Dutz.
  • Hüllen, Werner ed. (1994) The World in a List of Words (Colloquium on Onomasiological Dictionaries, Essen 1992) (Lexicographica. Series Maior 58). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (21 papers by 21 authors).
  • Hüllen, Werner (2004) The History of Roget’s Thesaurus. Origins, Development, and Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hüllen, Werner ed. (2006) Onomasiological Dictionaries (thematic issue of Lexicographica. International Annual Vol. 21/2005). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (11 papers by 11 authors).
  • Humblé, Philippe (2001) Dictionaries and Language Learners. Frankfurt: Haag & Herchen.
  • Hümmer, Christiane and Katerina Stathi (2006) ‘Polysemy and Vagueness in Idioms: A Corpus-based Analysis of Meaning’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' 19:361-377.
  • Hunston, Susan (2002) Corpora in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hunston, Susan (2002) Corpora in Applied Linguistics (Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hupka, Werner (1989) Wort und Bild. Die Illustrationen in Wörterbüchern und Enzyklopädien (Lexicographica. Series Maior 22). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Huszár, Andrea (2006) 'Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Lernerwörterbüchern des Deutschen und Englischen'. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač.
  • Hyldgaard-Jensen, Karl and Hjørnager Pedersen, Viggo eds. (1994) Symposium on Lexicography VI (1992; for Arne Zettersten) (Lexicographica. Series Maior 57). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (21 papers by 22 authors, all on lexicographic topics).
  • Hyldgaard-Jensen, Karl and Zettersten, Arne eds. (1983) Proceedings of the Symposium on Lexicography (I) (Copenhagen 1982) (Germanistische Linguistik 5-6/82). Hildesheim: G. Olms (19 papers by 20 authors).
  • Hyldgaard-Jensen  and Zettersten, Arne eds. (1985) Symposium on Lexicography II (Copenhagen 1984) (Lexicographica. Series Maior 5). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (16 papers by 20 authors).
  • Hyldgaard-Jensen and Zettersten, Arne eds. (1988) Symposium on Lexicography III (Copenhagen 1986) (Lexicographica. Series Maior 19). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (23 papers by 26 authors).
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  • Hyldgaard-Jensen and Zettersten, Arne eds. (1992) Symposium on Lexicography V (Copenhagen 1990) (Lexicographica. Series Maior 43). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (19 papers by 22 authors).
  • Hyvärinen, Irma and Klemmt, Rolf eds. (1994) Von Frames und Slots bis Krambambuli: Beiträge zur zweisprachigen Lexikographie (2nd Conference on Bilingual Lexicography, Jyväskylä 1994) (Studia Philologica Jyväskyläensia 34). Jyväskylä: University Press (17 papers by 17 authors).


  • Iamartino, Giovanni and DeMaria, Robert eds. (2006) Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary and the Eighteenth-Century World of Words (Milano 2005). Textus. English Studies in Italy 19, 1: 5-261 (Introduction and 13 papers by 13 authors).
  • Igla, Birgit et al. eds. (2005) Kontrastive Lexikologie und zweisprachige Lexikographie. 2. Internationales Kolloquium zur Wörterbuchforschung, St. Kliment Ohridski-Universität Sofia, 18.-19. Oktober 2002 (Germanistische Linguistik 179). Hildesheim: G. Olms (… papers by … authors …).
  • Ilson, Robert F. ed. (1986) Lexicography: An Emerging International Profession (Conference, London 1984) (The Fulbright Papers Series 1). Manchester: Manchester University Press & Fulbright Commission (Introductory remarks, Discussion, Concluding remarks and 11 papers by 15 authors).
  • Ilson, Robert F.  ed. (1987) A Spectrum of Lexicography. Papers from AILA, Brussels 1984. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins (Introduction and 10 papers by 10 authors).
  • Ilson, Robert F. ed. (1985) Dictionaries, Lexicography and Language Learning (ELT Documents Series 120). Oxford: Pergamon Press in association with the British Council (Introduction and 14 papers by 15 authors).
  • Imbs, Paul ed. (1961) Lexicologie et lexicographie française et romanes. Orientations et exigences actuelles (International Colloquium, Strasbourg 1957). Paris: Éditions du CNRS (24 papers by 24 authors).
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  • International Organization for Standardization (1990) 'Terminology - Vocabulary/ Terminologie - Vocabulaire'. Geneva: ISO.
  • Inukai, Morimasa (1999) Kindai kokugo jisho hennsanshi no kisoteki kenkyu (Basic Research on a Modern History of Japanese Dictionary Compilation). Tokyo: Kazamashobo.
  • Iriarte Sanromán, Álvaro (2000) 'A unidade lexicográfica : palavras, colocações, frasemas, pragmatemas'. Doctoral Thesis. Braga: ILCH, University of Minho. URL: ''
  • Iriarte Sanromán, Álvaro (2000) "A unidade de análise e descrição lexicográficas". In 'Diacrítica' 15 (2000). Braga: ILCH, University of Minho.Pp. 87-105. ISSN 0807-8967. URL:
  • Ishii, Yoneo (ed.) (2008) Sekai no kotoba, Jisho no jiten - Ajia-hen (A Dictionary of Dictionaries - Asian Languages). Tokyo: Sanseido.
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  • Ishikawa, Shinichiro et al. eds. (2006) English Lexicography in Japan (The JACET Society of English Lexicography). Tokyo:Taishukan (25 papers by 29 authors).
  • Iwasaki Kenkyukai (Iwasaki Linguistic Circle) ed. (1981-2002) Eigo jisho hikaku to bunseki (Comparison and Analysis of English Dictionaries, originally published in the journal Lexicon). Volumes 1 & 2 1981, 3 & 4 1989, 5 & 6 2002. Tokyo: Kenkyusha.


  • Jackson, Howard (1988) Words and Their Meaning (Learning about Language Series). London/New York: Longman.
  • Jackson, Howard (2002) Lexicography. An Introduction. London & New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
  • Jackson, Howard and Zé Amvela, Etienne (2000) Words, Meaning and Vocabulary. An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology. London: Cassell.
  • Jacob, Henry (comp.) (1976) 'A Pocket Dictionary of Publishing Terms'. London: Macdonald and Jane.
  • Jacobson, Jane: see Pedersen, Viggo Hjørnager
  • Jacoby, Michael (1990) Historische Lexikologie zum nordgermanischen Raum. Lexika also Kultur- und Sprachdokumente zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Einflüsse von Toledo bis Paris, von London bis Berlin. Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz.
  • James, Gregory (1991) Tamil Lexicography (Lexicographica. Series Maior 40). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • James, Gregory (2000) Colporul. A History of Tamil Dictionaries. Chennai: Cre-A.
  • James, Gregory ed. (1989) Lexicographers and Their Works (for R.R.K. Hartmann). Exeter: University of Exeter Press (19 papers by 19 authors, all on lexicographic topics).
  • James, Gregory ed. (1994) Meeting Points in Language Studies. A Festschrift for MA Tailai. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Language Centre & Jilin University of Technology, Division of Foreign Languages (13 papers by 17 authors, 3 on lexicographic topics).
  • Jansen, S. and Polito, P. (2004) Tema e metafora in testi poetici di Leopardi, Montale e Magrelli. Saggi di lessicografia letteraria (Strumenti di lessicografia letteraria italiana 23). Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
  • Janssen, Maarten (2004) ‘Definitional Attributes and Practical Usability’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' Vol. 17:189-194.
  • Janssen, Maarten (2004) ‘Multilingual Lexical Databases, Lexical Gaps, and Sim'u'llda’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' Vol. 17:137-154.
  • Jehle, Günter (1990) Das englische und französische Lernerwörterbuch in der Rezension (Lexicographica. Series Maior 30). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Jerković, Jovan ed. (1984) Leksikografija i leksikologija: Zbornik radova (Lexicography and Lexicology Conference, Novi Sad 1983). Novi Sad & Beograd: Matica srpska, Institut za srpskohrvatski jezik (32 papers by … authors).
  • Jerkoviċ, Jovan ed. (1984) Leksikografija i leksikologija: Zbornik radova. Novi Sad: Matica srpska (10 papers by 10 authors).
  • JIANG, Zhiwen and WEN, Jun eds. (1999) Cidianxue yu shuangyu cidianxue yanjiu (Lexicography and Bilingual Lexicographical Studies). Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House (37 papers by 34 authors).
  • JIANG, Chunfang (1990) Cong leishu dao baikequanshu (From Subject-based Reference Books to Encyclopedias). Beijing: China Book Press.
  • JIN, Changzheng (1992) Huashuo baikequanshu (Talking about Encyclopedias). Beijing: Olympic Press.
  • Johnson, Samuel (1747), 'The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language.' Facsimile reprint, Menston: Scolar Press, 1970. (See also the online version by Jack Lynch)


  • Kabdebo, Thomas and Armstrong, Neil comps. (1997) 'Dictionary of Dictionaries and Eminent Encyclopedias'. London: Bowker-Saur (2nd edn of T. Kabdebo’s 'Dictionary of Dictionaries' 1992).
  • Kachru, Braj B. and Kahane, Henry eds. (1995) Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary. Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta (Lexicographica Series Maior 64). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (36 papers by 36 authors, all on lexicographic topics).
  • Kafker, Frank A. ed. (1981) Notable Encyclopedias of the 17th and 18th Century: Nine Predecessors of the Encyclopédie. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation (8 chapters by 8 authors).
  • Kageura, Kyo (2002) The Dynamics of Terminology: A Descriptive Theory of Term Formation and Terminological Growth (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 5). Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
  • Kammerer, Matthias (1995) Bildschirmorientiertes Abfassen von Wörterbuchartikeln. Dargestellt am Beispiel des Frühneuhochdeutschen Wörterbuches (Lexicographica. Series Maior 68). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Kammerer, Matthias (2000) Lemmazeichentypen für deutsche Verben: eine lexikologische und metalexikographische Untersuchung (Lexicographica. Series Maior 104). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
  • Karaman, Burcu I. (2008) ‘On Contronymy’, in: 'International Journal of Lexicography' Vol. 21:173-192.
  • Kardela, Henryk and Persson, Gunnar eds. (1995) New Trends in Semantics and Lexicography (International Conference, Kazimierz 1993). Umeå: Swedish Science Press (17 papers by 20 authors).
  • Karpova, Olga M. ed. (1997a) Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty leksikografij. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Lexicography. Interdisciplinary Research Studies. 1st International School-Seminar, Ivanovo 1995). Ivanovo: Gosuniversitet (30 papers by 35 authors).
  • Karpova, Olga M.  ed. (1997b) Aktual’nie problemy teoreticheskoj i prikladnoj leksikografij. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Topical Problems of Theoretical and Applied Lexicography. 3rd Interdisciplinary Research Studies. 2nd International School-Seminar, Ivanovo 1997). Ivanovo: Gosuniversitet (30 papers by 35 authors).
  • Karpova, Olga M. ed.  (2001) Yazik. Kultura. Slovari. Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj shkoly-seminara (Language. Culture. Dictionaries. Interdisciplinary Research Studies. 4th International School-Seminar, Ivanovo-Yunona 2001). Ivanovo: Gosuniversitet (92 papers by 105 authors).
  • Karpova, Olga M.  ed. (2005) Leksika, leksikografija, terminografija v russkoj, amerikanskoj i drugikh kul’turakh. Materialy VI mezhdunarodnoj shkoly-seminara (Lexicon, Lexicography, and Terminography in Russian, American and Other Cultures. 6th International School-Seminar, Ivanovo 2005). Ivanovo: Gosuniversitet (111 papers, most in the form of 2/3 page summaries, by 116 authors).
  • Karpova, Olga M. and Korobejnikova, O.V. (2007) Slovari jazyka pisatelej i tsitat v anglijskoj leksikografij (Authors’ Dictionaries  and Dictionaries of Quotations in English Lexicography). Moscow: M. Izdatel’stvo MGOU.
  • Karpova, Olga M. ed. (2000) Slovari v sovremennom mire. Materialy III mezhdunarodnoj shkoly-seminara (Dictionaries in Today’s World. Proceedings of the 3rd International School-Seminar, Ivanovo 1999). Ivanovo: Gosuniversitet (81 papers by 95 authors).
  • Karpova, Olga M. ed. (2003) Teoreticheskaja leksikografija: Sovremennie tendentsij razvitija. Materialy V mezhdu-narodnoj shkoly-seminara (Theoretical Lexicography: Modern Tendencies of Development. Interdisciplinary Research Studies. 5th International School-Seminar, Ivanovo 2003). Ivanovo: Gosuniversitet (120 papers by 127 authors).
  • Kartashkova, Faina I. ed. (2006) Anglijskaja leksikografija: Formirovanie, rasvitie, sovremennoe sostojanie. Yubileijnyj sbornik naychnykh statej (Festschrift in Honour of Olga Karpova). Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University (15 papers by 16 authors, all on lexicographic topics, plus lists of publications and theses supervised by the dedicatee).
  • Kaszubski, Przemysław ed. (2006) Papers from the Workshop ‘Assessing thePotential of Corpora’ (Tarnowo Podgórne/Poznań 20 May 2004) (thematic issue of Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 41/2006 (14 papers by 17 authors).
  • Katamba, Francis (1994) English Words. London: Routledge.
  • Katre, Sumitra (1965) Lexicography. Annamalainagar: Annamalai University.
  • Katz, Bill (1998) Cuneiform to Computer. A History of Reference Sources (History of the Book Series 4). Lanham MD: Scarecrow Press.
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  • Kazazis, John N. ed. (2003) I leksikografia tis arkhaias, mesaionikis kai neas ellinikis grammateias/The Lexicography of Ancient, Medieval and Modern Greek Literature. Proceedings of an International Conference, Thessaloniki 1997. Thessaloniki: (Hellenic Republic Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs) Centre for the Greek Language, Division of Lexicography (Prologue, addresses and 13 papers by 14 authors).
  • Kenkyusha (includes a section on corpus linguistics and lexicography, with 53 articles by 11 authors on lexicographic topics).
  • Kennedy, Graeme (1997) An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.
  • Kida, Junichiro ed. (1986) ‘Daikanwajiten’ wo yomu (Exploring the Great Kanji-Japanese Dictionary). Tokyo: Taishukanshoten (Essays by 13 authors).
  • Kiefer, Ferenc et al. eds. (1992) Papers in Computational Lexicography (2nd CompLex Conference, Budapest 1992). Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (29 papers by 44 authors).
  • Kiefer, Ferenc, Kiss, Gábor and Pajzs, Júlia eds. (1996) Papers in Computational Lexicography (4th CompLex Conference, Budapest 1996). Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (27 papers by 48 authors).
  • Kiefer, Ferenc, Kiss, Gábor and Pajzs, Júlia eds. (1999) Papers in Computational Lexicography (5th CompLex Conference, Pecs 1999). Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (22 papers by 39 authors).
  • Kiefer, Ferenc, Kiss, Gábor and Pajzs, Júlia eds. (2005) Papers in Computational Lexicography (Proceedings of the 8th CompLex Conference, Budapest 2005). Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (23 papers by 36 authors).
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  • Kilgarriff, Adam (1992) Polysemy. Lewis: University of Sussex (unpublished D.Phil. thesis).
  • Kilgarriff, Adam and Grefenstette, Gregory eds. (2003) Web as Corpus (thematic issue of Computational Linguistics Vol. …). …: … (Introduction and … papers by … authors).
  • Kingscott, Geoffrey et al. eds. (1995) 'International Who’s Who in Translation & Terminology/Traduction et Terminologie. Répertoire biographique international'. Paris: Union Latine (et al.)
  • Kipfer, Barbara A. (1984) Workbook on Lexicography. Exeter Linguistic Studies 8). Exeter: University of Exeter.
  • Kirk, John M. ed. (2000) Corpora Galore: Analysis and Techniques in Describing English. Papers from the 19th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora, Sydney 2000 (Language and Computers Series 30). Amsterdam & New York: Editions Rodopi (24 papers by 33 authors, 9 on lexicographic topics).
  • Kirkness, Alan (1980) 'Geschichte des Deutschen Wörterbuches 1838-1863: Dokumente zu den Lexikographen Grimm. With a Contribution by Ludwig Denecke'. Stuttgart.
  • Kirkness, Alan et al. eds. (1991) Studien zum Deutschen Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm (2 volumes, Lexicographica. Series Maior 33-34). Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (16 papers by 18 authors).
  • Kister, Kenneth F. (1992) 'Kister’s Best Dictionaries'. New York NY: R.R. Bowker.
  • Kister, Kenneth F. (1994) 'Kister’s Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias'. Phoenix AZ: Oryx Press.
  • Kitao, Kenji comp. (1998) 'Internet Resources: ELT, Linguistics, and Communication'. Tokyo: Eichosa.
  • Kittel, Harald et al. eds. (2004, i.p.) 'Übersetzung/Translation/Traduction. An International Encyclopedia of TranslationStudies' (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 3 volumes). Berlin: W. de Gruyter (Vol. 26.1 introduction by 7 editors, 106 articles in 14 chapters by 100+ authors, 26.2 …, 26.3 …).
  • Knapp, Judith (2004): A New Approach to CALL Content Authoring. Hannover (Dissertation).
  • Koike, Ikuo ed. (2003) 'Kenkyusha oyogengogaku jiten' (Kenkyusha Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics). Tokyo:
  • Kojima, Yoshiro (1989) Eigo jisho monogatari (The Story of English Dictionaries). Tokyo: ELEC (2 volumes).
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