LexMeta OWL

Revision as of 14:34, 24 May 2022 by DavidL (talk | contribs)

The LexMeta metadata model for lexical resources is also documented in a Web Ontology Language OWL document, in Turtle format.


LexBib wikibase entities with a P42 "LexMeta OWL equivalent" statement are considered for the export. Their rdf:type is declared using the value of that statement's P166 "rdf:type (OWL) qualifier. If for that statement a P167 "skos:exactMatch" qualifier is found, that is also exported (that tipically points to the FRBR, MetaShare, or BIBO equivalent of the entity, see LexMeta). For classes, "subclass of" (P4), and for properties, "subproperty of" (P169) are also considered. Property "domain" (P168) and "range" (P48) are declared as separate statements, while "range" (in cases where the OWL range expression is complex) can be expressed using a P170 "OWL range expression" qualifier (this is done where the range is a concept scheme, see e.g. P127).

Other statements for these entities are exported in case the LexBib wikibase property is also aligned (using P42) to a LexMeta OWL equivalent. Statements pointing to other LexBib wikibase items are exported if the object is also aligned to LexMeta OWL. P2 "Wikidata Entity" statements and the LexBib wikibase entity URI itself are mapped to an object property called "lexmeta:wikibaseEntity".

This method is implemented in a script found here.

The resulting TTL file is found here, from where a HTML documentation is generated using Ontoology.