List of Properties
Showing below up to 162 results starting with #51.
- VIAF ID (P51)
- date of birth (P52)
- date of death (P53)
- ISO 4 abbreviation (P54)
- has distribution (P55)
- object language (P56)
- external equivalent entity (P57)
- RESERVED3 (url) (P58)
- media part (P59)
- distribution of (P60)
- is described by term (P61)
- OCLC (P62)
- is continued by LCR (P63)
- edition number (P64)
- country (P65)
- English Wikipedia article URL (P66)
- RESERVED2 (string) (P67)
- start date (P68)
- end date (P69)
- LexBib fulltext PDF (P70)
- LexBib fulltext TXT (P71)
- skos:broader (P72)
- skos:narrower (P73)
- member of collection (P74)
- subject of (P75)
- skos:closeMatch (P76)
- skos:related (P77)
- skos:exactMatch (P78)
- skos:hasTopConcept (P79)
- skos:definition (P80)
- skos:note (P81)
- frequency score (P82)
- source (P83)
- source name (P84)
- Elexifinder collection (P85)
- BabelNet Synset ID (P86)
- mapping confidence score (P87)
- corpus keyword (P88)
- skos:inScheme (P89)
- dictionary scope type (P90)
- distribution type (P91)
- mention count (P92)
- relative frequency (P93)
- inverse property (P94)
- subproperty of (P95)
- contains term (P96)
- short title (P97)
- skos:isTopConceptOf (P98)
- ISO-639-1 language code (P99)
- bibitem type (P100)
- preferred given name (P101)
- preferred family name (P102)
- coordinate location (P103)
- inception (P104)
- contains abstract in (P105)
- LexBib v1 legacy ID (P106)
- organizer (P107)
- source URI (P108)
- occurs in # of LexBib BibItems (P109)
- obelex literal (P110)
- BibCollection landing page (P111)
- access location (P112)
- download location (P113)
- extratextual information (P114)
- linguality type (P115)
- RESERVED3 (string) (P116)
- sent to LexVoc Lexonomy (P117)
- has realisation (P118)
- lexicographical process type (P119)
- dictionary function type (P120)
- dictionary access type (P121)
- metalanguage (P122)
- LCR subclass (P123)
- is replaced with (P124)
- part of LCR (P125)
- year of publication (P126)
- microstructure feature (P127)
- translation status (P128)
- prefLabel translation (P129)
- altLabel translation (P130)
- is facet of (P131)
- glottolog language code (P132)
- is version of (P133)
- target language (P134)
- replaces LCR (P135)
- is similar to LCR (P136)
- is related to LCR (P137)
- is exact match with LCR (P138)
- is part with LCR (P139)
- is continuation of LCR (P140)
- is converted version of LCR (P141)
- has original source (P142)
- has part LCR (P143)
- has version LCR (P144)
- is combined with LCR (P145)
- index page (P146)
- cites (P147)
- term with homograph label (P148)
- infers labels from (P149)
- source language (P150)
- lemma type (P151)
- dictionary text part (P152)
- reserved (item) (P153)
- resource creator (P154)
- IPR holder (P155)
- LCR name (P156)
- LCR provider (P157)
- inEntitySchema (P158)
- cardinality (P159)
- glottolog reference code (P160)
- number of entries (P161)
- author(s) literal (P162)
- publisher(s) literal (P163)
- publishing place(s) literal (P164)
- described on lexbib wikipage (P165)
- rdf:type (OWL) (P166)
- skos:exactMatch (OWL) (P167)
- domain (P168)
- subPropertyOf (OWL) (P169)
- range expression (OWL) (P170)
- affiliation (P171)
- contributor (P172)
- test property (P173)
- Inguma Wikibase ID (P174)
- pivot language (P175)
- TECLING term profile (P176)
- is realisation of (P177)
- has outcome (P178)
- has converted version (P179)
- co-distribution of (P180)
- date of creation (P181)
- translator (P182)
- Basque Lexicography period (P183)
- (P184)
- IETF code (P185)
- dmlex source ID (P186)
- dmlex homograph number (P187)
- dmlex equivalent (P188)
- dmlex definition type tag (P189)
- dmlex inflected form tag (P190)
- dmlex label type tag (P191)
- dmlex part of speech tag (P192)
- dmlex source identity tag (P193)
- dmlex transcription scheme tag (P194)
- dmlex part of speech (P195)
- dmlex tag (P196)
- dmlex label (P197)
- dmlex source identity (P198)
- dmlex source elaboration (P199)
- dmlex sound file (P200)
- POS tag item (P201)
- lexinfo POS (P202)
- label item (P203)
- dmlex pronunciation (P204)
- dmlex scheme (P205)
- scheme item (P206)
- dmlex source dictionary (P207)
- dmlex example (P208)
- dmlex definition (P209)
- dmlex example translation (P210)
- subject sense (P211)
- referenced Wikidata entity (P212)