LexBib Zotero

LexBib Zotero

We use LexBib Zotero group for gathering, curating, and exhibiting publication metadata of conference papers, journal articles, book chapters, handbook articles, and videos of the domain of Lexicography and Dictionary Research. Article metadata, including abstracts, can be downloaded from there in several structured formats, transferred to own local Zotero instances using Zotero browser connectors, and used for automatic generation of citations and bibliographies (this is done installing a suitable CSL citation style, and using Zotero word processor connectors).

Every LexBib Zotero item is linked to its counterpart in LexBib wikibase (find the link under "attachments"). You can get an overview of LexBib contents using the queries listed on LexBib main page.

Euralex 2022 Mannheim

CSL Citation Style

For the Euralex-2022 conference in Mannheim (Germany), we have produced a CSL style, available here. To install it, open the CSL file with your local Zotero. That citation style is defined according to the Euralex 2022 publication guidelines provided by IDS Mannheim.

How to cite

If you want to use metadata records present in LexBib Zotero in your paper, you can proceed as follows:

  • Install the Zotero application and the Zotero connector for the browser of your choice.
  • Navigate to the item details of the publication you want to cite (example).
  • Press the Zotero connector icon in your browser's menu bar, so that the metadata is copied into your own Zotero instance.
  • Use that metadata record for automatic citation:
    • Either using a Zotero word processor plugin (which will do the formatting of citations in the text and of the bibliographic references section at the end of your paper for you, according to the citation style you choose, see documentation).
    • Or by exporting one or several items to the clipboard and pasting them manually into the document (right-click and "create bibliography", see documentation), using the Euralex Mannheim citation style.

Contribute to LexBib

In case you are citing items that are not found in LexBib and create Zotero items for these (e.g. by using the import-by-DOI function), you may want to contribute that metadata to LexBib, so that other people can use that metadata record in the future. We would warmly welcome that. A simple way to contribute your own Zotero items to LexBib is to send us a Zotero export in RIS format (select items, right-click and "export" to RIS format; you could also choose bibtex format). If you have a copy of the full text attached to your Zotero item, that can be exported along with the metadata record, chosing the "export files" option in the export dialogue; you would then make a .zip out of the resulting export folder. We would include new metadata and full texts in our LexBib workflow; we would use the PDF you send strictly for that, and would not make it publicly available (we ould share only any download link contained in the Zotero record "URL" field). For sending us your exports, and for any other question regarding LexBib or LexBib Zotero, you may contact us at the following address:

david [DOT] lindemann [AT] ehu [DOT] eus