LexBib BibItem (E1)

From LexBib
Revision as of 14:39, 21 November 2021 by DavidL (talk | contribs) (Updated Schema text)
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enLexBib BibItementity scheme for a bibliographical item, sharing properties with Zotero, and with ms:Distributionedit
# PREFIX lwb: <http://lexbib.elex.is/entity/> # does not work
# PREFIX ldp: <http://lexbib.elex.is/prop/direct/> # does not work
PREFIX wd: <http://lexbib.elex.is/entity/> # does work
PREFIX wdt: <http://lexbib.elex.is/prop/direct/> # does work

start = @<bibitem>

<bibitem> EXTRA wdt:P5 {

  wdt:P5 [ wd:Q3 ] ; # class bibitem
  wdt:P6 . + ; # title
