Euskarazko Hiztegiak

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The Basque dictionaries catalogue project has been started 2022 as common initiative of Wikimedia Basque Country and the Monumenta Linguae Vasconum (MLV) research group. The initial experiments for populating the LexMeta model with Basque dictionary metadata have been done on this Wikibase instance (see below). The project has then started a dedicated instance, MLV Wikibase.


  • LODify Urgell 2002 plain text dictionary catalogue (Q34117).
  • Link dictionaries to secondary literature: articles about works/series, LCRs, distributions (link at corresponding level)
  • Feed human readable summaries to Basque Wikipedia ('infoboxes')
  • Data from Wikibase SPARQL endpoint, formatted bib-references from Zotero API

Preliminary Results

  • See automatically created summaries for some test items using this query.
  • The scripts that produce the summaries are accessible here.