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LexBib wikibase

Welcome to LexBib wikibase at Elexis. LexBib is a digital bibliography project for the domain of Lexicography and Dictionary Research. General aims are LOD-ification of publication metadata, and content description of article full texts, as a service to the lexicographic community. LexBib wikibase brings together LexBib Zotero bibliographical data and a vocabulary of lexicographic terms, LexVoc.

LexBib data, including full texts, is regularly exported to the Elexifinder discovery portal, where publication metadata and full text contents can be conveniently explored (link). Elexifinder offers searches and filters by author, source, or publication language, and full text searches for concepts obtained through wikification, combined with categories derived from LexVoc.

You can access presentation slides and full text of our Euralex 2021 paper "New developments to Elexifinder". Previous publications are listed here.

LexBib components

See pages about LexBib project, LexBib at Zotero, LexVoc, LexVoc translation on Lexonomy.

If you are looking for publication metadata for download to your own citation manager app, or e.g. as bibtex, go to LexBib Zotero. If you want to discover publications, by searching for authors, languages, or terms, go to Elexifinder. LexBib wikibase data can also be queried in a graphical interface, or accessed using its SPARQL endpoint; single entities and their relations can be downloaded as entity data RDF dump (example).

See what's in the database

The following links lead to simple SPARQL queries in a graphical interface. Queries are executed on the fly by pressing the start button, and results always reflect LexBib wikibase content at that particular point in time. You can modify or combine the queries. If you are an author, a quick way to check which of your articles are already in the database, go to LexBib Zotero, or find yourself through the main search above, and then click on "What links here" in the side pane menu.

Items and relations

  • All bibliographical items: authors, title, date: Query.
  • Bibliographical items with PDF full text: Query.
  • Authors, and number of (co-)authored publications: Query.
  • Author names and name variants: Query.
  • LexVoc terms: LexBib URI, English labels, and BabelNet URI: Query.
  • LexVoc terms: LexBib URI, English labels, and hits in LexBib/Elexifinder full text corpus (English): Query.
  • Places, and number of relations as "first author location": Query.
  • Natural languages, and number of relations as "publication language": Query.
  • Conferences, and number of associated publications: Query.
  • Journals, and number of articles: Query.
  • Edited volumes (excluding proceedings volumes), and number of contained publications: Query.

LexBib ontology

LexBib items are instances of ontology classes, and linked to other items, or to values of a certain datatype, using a set of properties.

  • All properties: label, datatype, wikidata equivalent, range: Query.
  • Properties with wikidata alignment: equivalences to other RDF vocabularies. Query.
  • Classes: Query.