Basque Dictionaries

From LexBib

This page describes Euskarazko Hiztegien LOD katalogoa, a project funded by Wikimedia Basque Country, starting 2023. It is the first use case for a catalogue of dictionaries based on the LexMeta data model.

SPARQL Queries

LCR CSV for bilingual dictionaries source and target language annotation

PREFIX lwb: <>
PREFIX ldp: <>
PREFIX lp: <>
PREFIX lps: <>
PREFIX lpq: <>
PREFIX lpr: <>

select ?lcr
(group_concat(distinct ?sourcelang;SEPARATOR=",") as ?sourcelangs)
(group_concat(distinct ?targetlang;SEPARATOR=",") as ?targetlangs)
(strafter(str(?lcr), "") as ?lcrqid) ?lcrLabel
# ?distr (strafter(str(?distr), "") as ?distrqid) ?distrLabel 
(YEAR(?distrdate) as ?date)
(group_concat(distinct ?authorname; SEPARATOR="; ") as ?authors)
where {
?lcr ldp:P5 lwb:Q4; ldp:P55 ?distr .
?distr ldp:P15 ?distrdate .
optional {?distr lp:P12 [lpq:P38 ?authorname].}
  optional {?lcr lp:P115 [lps:P115 lwb:Q14384; lpq:P150 ?sourcelangitem; lpq:P134 ?targetlangitem].
           ?sourcelangitem ldp:P32 ?sourcelang. ?targetlangitem ldp:P32 ?targetlang.}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }}
group by ?lcr ?sourcelangs ?targetlangs ?lcrLabel # ?distr ?distrLabel 
?distrdate ?authors
order by ?lcrLabel ?distrdate

Try it!