The following pages link to publication language (P11):
Displayed 50 items.
- Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century: New Applications for New Users. Proceedings of eLex 2011 (Q6486) (← links)
- Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Thinking outside the paper. Proceedings of eLex 2013 (Q6488) (← links)
- Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Linking lexical data in the digital age. Proceedings of eLex 2015 (Q6490) (← links)
- Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Lexicography from scratch. Proceedings of eLex 2017 (Q6491) (← links)
- Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the eLex 2019 Conference (Q6493) (← links)
- Towards a Systematic Classification Framework for Dictionaries and CALL (Q6494) (← links)
- DiCE in the Web: An Online Spanish Collocation Dictionary (Q6496) (← links)
- Tagging Collocations for Learners (Q6498) (← links)
- Identification of Neologisms in Japanese by Corpus Analysis (Q6499) (← links)
- WWWJDIC: A Feature-rich WWW-based Japanese Dictionary (Q6501) (← links)
- Wortverbindungsfelder - Fields of Multi-Word Expressions (Q6502) (← links)
- Have I Got the Wrong Definition of…? How to Write Simple Technical Definitions on the Basis of Examples Taken from Newsgroup Discussions (Q6504) (← links)
- SSLD: a French SMS to Standard Language Dictionary (Q6506) (← links)
- Extracting a Bilingual Transdisciplinary Scientific Lexicon (Q6507) (← links)
- Specialised Lexicographical Resources: a Survey of Translators' Needs (Q6508) (← links)
- DIL: a German-Italian Online Specialized Dictionary of Linguistics (Q6510) (← links)
- Acquiring Semantics from Structured Corpora to Enrich an Existing Lexicon (Q6511) (← links)
- Some Editorial Orientations for a Multi-Tier Electronic Monolingual School Dictionary (Q6513) (← links)
- Customising a General EAP Dictionary to Meet Learner Needs (Q6515) (← links)
- Evaluation of an Automatic Process for Specialized Web Corpora Collection and Term Extraction for Basque (Q6517) (← links)
- Automatic Annotation of Actants in Specialized Corpora (Q6518) (← links)
- Automated Extraction of Neologisms for Lexicography (Q6520) (← links)
- Elliptical Arguments: a Problem in Relating Meaning in Use (Q6522) (← links)
- Valency Information Online - Research and Pedagogic Reference Tools (Q6523) (← links)
- Automated Collection of Japanese Word Usage Examples from a Parallel and a Monolingual Corpus (Q6525) (← links)
- Cultural Values in a Learner's Dictionary: in Search of a Model (Q6527) (← links)
- Tickbox Lexicography (Q6528) (← links)
- On the Combination of Automated Informationand Lexicographically Interpreted Informationin Two German Online Dictionaries (Q6530) (← links)
- Making a Dictionary Without Words: Lemmatization Problems in a Sign Language Dictionary (Q6531) (← links)
- ABBYY Lingvo Electronic Dictionary Platform and Lingvo Сontent Dictionary Writing System (Q6533) (← links)
- Designing Specialized Dictionaries with Natural Language Processing. Examples of Applications in the Fields of Computing and Climate Change (Q6534) (← links)
- Dictionary Management System for Bilingual Dictionaries (Q6536) (← links)
- Free Online Dictionaries: Why and How? (Q6538) (← links)
- The Hub&spoke Model Put into Practice. Report on the Semi-Automatic Extraction of a Pre-Version of a Finnish-Danish Dictionary from a Multilingual Interlinkable Database (Q6539) (← links)
- Entry Menus in Bilingual Electronic Dictionaries (Q6541) (← links)
- Word Frequency Distribution for Electronic Learner's Dictionaries (Q6543) (← links)
- Building an OLIF-Based Lexical Database for Representing Constructions (Q6544) (← links)
- Lexicography in the Grid Environment (Q6546) (← links)
- Automatic Lexical Acquisition from Corpora: Some Limitations and Tentative Solutions (Q6547) (← links)
- The “Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography” (OBELEX) (Q6549) (← links)
- Processing Collocations in a Terminological Database Based on a Cross-Disciplinary Study of Scientific Texts (Q6551) (← links)
- FDVC - Creating a Corpus-Driven Frequency Dictionary of Verb Phrase Constructions for Hungarian (Q6552) (← links)
- The Dici Project: Towards a Dictionary of Italian Collocations Integrated with an Online Language Learning Platform (Q6554) (← links)
- An Ontology-Based Approach to the Multilingual Complexity of Law (Q6555) (← links)
- Dynamic Access to a Static Dictionary: a Lexicographical “cathedral” Lives to See the Twenty-First Century – the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l’ancien Français (Q6557) (← links)
- Access to Multiple Lexical Resources at a Stroke: Integrating Dictionary, Corpus and Wordnet Data (Q6559) (← links)
- NLP Tools for Lexicographic Applications in Modern Greek (Q6560) (← links)
- From Lexical Database to Intelligent Vocabulary Trainers (Q6562) (← links)
- Showing Phraseology in Context: Onomasiological Access to Lexico-Grammatical Patterns in Corpora of French Scientific Writings (Q6563) (← links)
- SciE-Lex: an Electronic Lexical Database for the Spanish Medical Community (Q6565) (← links)