Pages that link to "Property:P11"
From LexBib
The following pages link to publication language (P11):
Displayed 50 items.
- Open Access to Frisian Language Material (Q6647) (← links)
- The Metalexicographical Contribution of Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera and Ascensión Arribas-Baño's Pedagogical Specialised Lexicography: A Critical Review (Q6648) (← links)
- The development of defining style (Q6650) (← links)
- Not Mere Lexicographic Cosmetics: The Compilation and Structural Features of Isichazamazwi Sezomculo (Q6652) (← links)
- Designing a Learner’s Dictionary Based on Sinclair’s Lexical Units by Means of Corpus Pattern Analysis and the Sketch Engine (Q6653) (← links)
- Dictionaries and Proper Names* (Q6655) (← links)
- Language Development or Language Corruption? The Case of Loan-Words in 'Isichazamazwi Sesindebele' (Q6656) (← links)
- From Corpus to Dictionary: A Hybrid Prescriptive, Descriptive and Proscriptive Undertaking (Q6658) (← links)
- The Linguistic Foundations for Lexical Research and Dictionary Design (Q6659) (← links)
- La Lexicographie Bilingue Italien-Allemand, Allemand-Italien du Dix-Septième Siècle (Q6661) (← links)
- The Lexicographic Treatment of Sublexical and Multilexical Items in a Northern Sotho Monolingual Dictionary: A Challenge for Lexicographers (Q6663) (← links)
- Auto-generating Bilingual Dictionaries (Q6664) (← links)
- Earlier quotations for Amerindian loanwords in English (Q6666) (← links)
- Polysemy and Homonymy: Challenges Relating to Lexical Entries in the Sesotho sa Leboa–English Bilingual Dictionary (Q6668) (← links)
- Birds of a Feather Don't Always Flock Together : User Problems in Identifying Headwords in Online English Learner's Dictionaries* (Q6669) (← links)
- Scientific and Technical Words in General Dictionaries (Q6671) (← links)
- TEI-Lex0 Guidelines for the Encoding of Dictionary Information on Written and Spoken Forms (Q6672) (← links)
- Werner Hüllen. A History of Roget's Thesaurus. Origins, Development, and Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2005. 410 pages. ISBN: 099281998. (Q6674) (← links)
- Wine and Words: A Trilingual Wine Dictionary for South Africa (Q6676) (← links)
- A Balanced and Representative Corpus: The Effects of Strict Corpus-based Dictionary Compilation in Sesotho sa Leboa (Q6677) (← links)
- Michael Hoey. Lexical Priming: A New Theory of Words and Language. London: Routledge. 2005. xiii + 202 pages. ISBN 0-415-32863-2. (Q6679) (← links)
- Standardization or Stigmatization? Challenges Confronting Lexicography (Q6680) (← links)
- Alain Rey (ed.) Dictionnaire culturel en langue française. Paris: Dictionnaires Le Robert. 2005. 4 Volumes. Vol. 1: XXXIII + 2355 pages, Vol. 2: 2396 pages, Vol. 3: 2392 pages, Vol. 4: 2083 + CCCLVI pages (annexes). ISBN: 2-85036-302-2. 249€. (Q6682) (← links)
- Making 1:N Explorable: a Search Interface for the ZAS Database of Clause-Embedding Predicates (Q6684) (← links)
- Kiswahili Verbs: A Lexicographical Challenge (Q6685) (← links)
- Michaela Heinz (ed.), L'exemple lexicographique dans les dictionnaires français contemporains. Actes des « Premières Journées allemandes des dictionnaires » (Klingenberg am Main, 25 – 27 juin 2004). Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag. 2005. Lexicograp (Q6687) (← links)
- The Impact of Translation Activities on the Development of African Languages in a Multilingual Society: 'Duramazwi reMimhanzi' as a Case-study * (Q6689) (← links)
- Gaétane Dostie. Pragmaticalisation et marqueurs discursifs. Analyse sémantique et traitement lexicographique. (Champs linguistiques) Bruxelles: de boeck.duculot. 2004. 296 pages. ISBN 2-8011-1346-8. (Q6690) (← links)
- Gabonese French Dictionaries: Survey and Perspectives (Q6692) (← links)
- KBBI Daring: A Revolution in The Indonesian Lexicography (Q6694) (← links)
- Ladislav Zgusta. Lexicography Then and Now. Selected Essays. Edited by Frederic S. F. Dolezal and Thomas B. I. Creamer. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer. (Lexicographica Series Maior 129) 2006. xiv + 404 pages. ISBN 3-484-39129-4. (Q6695) (← links)
- Divergent Approaches to Corpus Processing: The Need for Standardisation (Q6697) (← links)
- Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak. Meaning and the Bilingual Dictionary. The Case of English and Polish. (Q6698) (← links)
- Synopsis Articles in the Planning of a Trilingual Dictionary: Yilumbu– French–English (Q6700) (← links)
- Renata Szczepaniak. The Role of Dictionary Use in the Comprehension of Idiom Variants. (Q6702) (← links)
- E-VIEW-alation – a Large-scale Evaluation Study of Association Measures for Collocation Identification (Q6703) (← links)
- Kinship Terminology: Problems in Some English–Tshivend√a Bilingual Dictionaries (Q6705) (← links)
- Susanne Dyka, Probleme der Differenzierung im deutsch-englischen Wörterbuch f ür Deutsche. (Q6706) (← links)
- Multimodal Lexicography: The Representation of Meaning in Electronic Dictionaries (Q6708) (← links)
- Geoffrey Sampson and Diana McCarthy (eds.). Corpus Linguistics: Readings in a Widening Discipline (Q6709) (← links)
- Access Routes of Internet Finance Dictionaries: Present Solutions and Future Opportunities (Q6711) (← links)
- Toward Linked Data-native Dictionaries (Q6713) (← links)
- Birgit Steinbügl, Deutsch-englische Kollokationen. Erfassung in zweisprachigen Wörterbüchern und Grenzen der korpusbasierten Analyse (Q6715) (← links)
- Lexicographical Practice and Lexicological Research: The Case of Shangani in Zimbabwe (Q6716) (← links)
- Julie Coleman and Anne McDermott (eds.). Historical Dictionaries and Historical Dictionary Research: Papers from the International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, at the University of Leicester, 2002 (Q6718) (← links)
- Pharos Woordeboeke / Dictionaries 5 in 1: 5 ten volle geïntegreerde woordeboeke / Fully Integrated Dictionaries. Afrikaans-Engels / English-Afrikaans (Q6719) (← links)
- Optimising Data Utilisation in Lexicography: The Case of the Khoekhoegowab Dictionary (Q6721) (← links)
- Dziemianko, Anna. 2006. User-friendliness of Verb Syntax in Pedagogical Dictionaries of English (Q6723) (← links)
- On-the-fly Generation of Dictionary Articles for the DWDS Website (Q6724) (← links)
- Article Structures: Moving from Printed to e-Dictionaries (Q6726) (← links)